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Friday, July 17, 2020


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Julie Pitts

Positive and inspirational outlooks are infectious, and are what we want and need during these times of uncertainty and crisis. Thanks for infecting us Anna.

Anna Catalano

Thanks, Julie! It's easy to get pulled down these days...we've gotta keep one another remaining hopeful about the future!

Lajaye Britt

Well spoken message and very inspiring. I for one am a very highly opinionated person but I respectfully regard my them as my own thoughts or feelings and would only speak or inject a fact. Like yourself I to feel there is so much hate and separateness in our societies. The news and media can be so depressing as well even the good deeds have shade thrown upon it..So I really appreciate your thoughts your positive ways no judgement here!! #iwontshutup #turnitaround

Anna Catalano

Totally agree...thank you for chiming in. The issues are complex, and that requires dialogue, which is not what I hear most of the time! Let's stay positive and help others do the same!

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